- 02 Dec 2020
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Changing Default Folder for User
- Updated on 02 Dec 2020
- 1 Minute to read
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- DarkLight
Being able to customize how the portal looks enables users to optimize the platform. It is possible for an administrator to change the default folder for a user that appears when the user opens the Decisions portal.
The goal of this example is to:
Open the Decisions Platform, logged in as an administrator.
Set a default folder for the user.
To begin, log into the Decisions platform and navigate to System/Security/Accounts.
Once logged in, in the left menu tree, expand the System category.
Next, expand the Security category.
Click on the Accounts category. All of the accounts in the system will display. Locate the account name and right click on it. Select the Edit Account option.
In the resulting Edit Entity pop-up window, under the Personal Information section select the Default Folder pick hypertext link.
In the resulting Select Folder pop-up window, in the Browse tab, select the desired default folder, then select Ok. Select SAVE to close the Edit Entity pop up.
Now, log out of the system then log back in. Notice the system opens on the newly selected Default Folder.