Step Help
  • 09 May 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Step Help

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Article summary


Steps configured with Step Help contain general information such as any expected Input(s) and Output(s) along with their corresponding Data Types (denoted by gray parenthetical text). Additional information may include a brief summary and/or a correlating Documentation link.

Accessing Step Help

To access Step Help for a particular Step:

  1. From the Flow Designer, navigate to the Toolbox tab. 
  2. Hover over the desired Step. 
  3. Select the information icon. 
  4. View the information for the Step and if desired, navigate to relevant Documentation by selecting the View Documentation For This Step link. 

Editing Step Help

Warning: System-Wide Change
Editing content dynamically is supported; however, changes are system-wide and CAN NOT be undone after saving.
  1. From within the Step Help window for as selected Step, select the EDIT button.

  2. Make any desired/appropriate edits to the Step Help Description
  3. Click OK to save changes. 

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