Cache Definitions
  • 19 Mar 2025
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Cache Definitions

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Article summary


The primary function of the Cache is to store data temporarily for quicker access in the future. Cache storage is commonly used in scenarios where data results from an external system need to be stored in a location where the data will not be frequently edited (e.g. data received from REST API Calls or via an External Database, etc). Another use case is when a user is fetching data from one Flow to use in another Flow. 

Creating a Cache Definition

Navigate to the desired Project > Manage > Configuration > Cache. On the top action panel, click ADD PROJECT CACHE DEFINITION. Select the desired Cache Definition.

Cached data is stored in the App Server Memory and is only meant to be temporary.

Cache Types

The following Cache definitions summarize the storage location of the different Cache types.

Cache DefinitionDescription
DatabaseStored in Database Table.
FileStored in a File.
File DirectoryStored in File Directory.
MemoryStored in Memory (RAM).
NoCacheCache data will not be stored anywhere. The data will be ignored. This is an advanced Cache that excludes certain objects.
WeakKeeps an object in the cache unless the object is disposed.
RedisStores the cache in Redis Server. Users need to configure the Redis Server URL and hit the test connection before saving. If clustering is enabled and has a valid connection, the Redis connection will default to that particular connection string.

The following Cache definitions are policies by which the cache will store and empty data.

Cache DefinitionDescription
AliasStores data under a different target Configuration Name.
PersistentMemoryAuto resets the memory cache based on user input.
SizeStores data in the cache based on object size.
TimeStores the data for a time span based on user input.

System Cache Definitions

Cache Definitions can also be created at the System level. Using Project level caching is recommended over System level. The option is available for advanced users. Navigate to System > Administration > Cache and select the ADD SYSTEM CACHE DEFINITION action. All cache definition types are available at the System level.

Feature Changes

DescriptionVersionRelease DateDeveloper Task
Project cache management has been reworked. Cache dashboard has been improved and its folder location moved.9.6January 2025[DT-043288]

For further information on Flows, visit the Decisions Forum.

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